about us


    You might be asking yourself, does it matter which truck driving school you attend? Absolutely! Our programs include not only the finest hands-on training available, but also job placement and financial assistance, ensuring you can pay for your course and be lined up with a position once you graduate. Your future is just too important to risk by attending sub-standard school.

    More carriers hire our graduates than any other school, and for good reason. Carriers know that our training programs are the most comprehensive in Michigan, and with regular campus visits by recruiters and a full-time job placement staff, almost all of our students have a job lined up before they attend their very first class at WMCDL.

    At West Michigan CDL our training is recognized as the best in the entire State. We offer personalized training with experienced and respected instructors. WMCDL gives you the most behind the wheel experience of any school in Michigan. There is no other truck driving school that offers as much behind-the-wheel training as WMCDL.

    Expert instructors, hands-on training and the most behind-the-wheel time means that when you start your new career as a truck driver you’ll be prepared for any situation you might face!

    At WMCDL Truck Driving School we offer daytime, evening and weekend classes that will fit around your schedule. Our 3 week training program takes place in modern facilities and more importantly modern equipment. Our instructors will provide you with behind the scenes insight and real life situations to ensure you drive away toward a successful career.


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